What is a Base Angle Cabinet?

A base angle cabinet is a cabinet specifically designed to fit a particular joining or corner area. Very rarely are kitchen counters completely straight. As cabinets are designed into shapes that offer extended countertop space, the need for corner cabinet designs has grown in prominence. Without a base angle cabinet, a significant amount of potential storage space can be lost or wasted due to inaccessibility. There are numerous designs that incorporate various door and shelving techniques, but all are aimed at maximizing the usable space.

Some base angle cabinets may be customized into a trapezoid shape to create a flush facing finish to the row of cabinets. These types of base angle designs are custom built to compensate for an awkward directional change or special need. Generic base angle cabinets are offered in a diamond or triangle shaped bases to fit right-angled corners. Occasionally, a 120 degree angle might be practical for changing the run of a cabinet that follows an irregular countertop. Within the base angle cabinet, rotating shelves are common if the depth of the cabinet is great than 24 inches. Regardless of the internal shelving scheme, the door hinge placement will be critical in maintaining good functionality for corner cabinets.