What is a Burl?

A burl is a growth on a tree that is a result of the tree being damaged. Burls have a different grain pattern than the rest of the tree, and they are often used for bowls, cups and unique crafts.

A burl is an unusual growth on a tree that often results from stress or disease. Burls appear as a round, knotty growth on the outside of the tree. Some burls are small, but others are extremely large. They are usually removed from the tree using chainsaws or axes, and professionals must be very careful that they don’t kill the tree during the process. The grain inside a burl is twisted, which can make burls very difficult to work with. Despite the unpredictable nature of the wood, burls are highly sought after for various projects. The interlocking grains create a beautiful pattern that is ideal for picture frames, furniture, cups, bowls and other household items.