What is a Full-Extension Guide?

Full-extension guides are specially designed tracks that allow drawers to be opened completely. They may be mounted on the sides or the bottoms of the drawers.

Full-extension guides are tracks that make opening drawers easy and safe. Full-extension guides allow the user to reach the contents in the back of the drawer without the drawer falling to the floor. The guides are also designed so that the drawer glides quietly and smoothly within the tracks. Full-extension guides may be located on the bottom of drawers, although they are more commonly found on the sides. The guides have stoppers that keep the drawer from leaving the tracks but that allow the drawer to be removed when necessary. Full-extension guides are commonly used with full-access drawers. These are drawers which can be pulled out completely in order to view the contents in the very back. Full-extension guides are commonly found in kitchen drawers that contain utensils.