What is Glazing?

Glazing is a painting technique that alters the color or texture of a surface. It is often used when applying faux finishes to walls, cabinets and furniture.

Glazing is a technique that is used to alter the appearance of traditional paint. It can change the hue or tone of the color, and it can make the color appear more translucent or transparent. Glazing can also be used to create texture on walls and is often used for faux finishing techniques. Glaze is also applied during painting techniques such as color washing, rag-rolling and sponge painting. Glaze is available in acrylic and water-based formulas, and they vary in drying time. An extender may be required to allow a large area to be painted before the glaze begins to dry. The ratio is typically one part paint to four parts glaze. Glaze works better on wet surfaces, so it is helpful to keep the wall damp as the glaze is being applied.