What is Solid Wood?

Solid wood is lumber that has been milled directly from trees. Other types of wood, such as plywood, medium-density fiberboard or veneers, are manufactured from wood composites.

Solid wood is wood that has been cut from a tree. Unlike engineered wood, which is composed of wood fibers that are held together with adhesives, solid wood contains wood fibers throughout the piece of lumber. No fillers or adhesives are used. Solid wood is often used for furniture, construction, cabinetry and flooring. It does not warp as easily as many engineered woods, but it is more susceptible to stains. Solid wood is easier to repair than veneers or other engineered woods, which is one reason that it is used for many types of projects. There are several types of solid wood available, so woodworkers, cabinetmakers and carpenters can choose from a large selection for their projects. Each type of solid wood has its own characteristics, including its grain pattern, color and texture.