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7 Days of Self-Love Challenge + Tracker

By: Andrew Saladino | 7 min

Woman cutting onion and following recipe on tablet.

In the midst of busy work weeks, raising families, and managing all the little errands that make up life, it's easy to let your own happiness and well-being take a back seat for others. But taking on more responsibilities as we age doesn't mean abandoning the things we value and enjoy -- sometimes we just need a kickstart to rediscover them.

For the next week, we challenge you to follow our seven days of self-love challenge to discover new ways to treat, think about, and take care of yourself.

What is a Self-Love Challenge?

A self-love challenge is a reminder to prioritize the only person that has the ability to make you happy -- you. By scheduling time every day to focus on your well-being, you will build self-esteem, confidence, and self-appreciation as you discover new techniques to love yourself.

Printable Self-Love Challenge Tracker

You will get a different challenge to complete each day for seven days. Each one is designed to help you explore the things that make you proud of who you are, whether that's by spending more time doing something you love, eating a healthy meal, or trying something you'd never thought you could do.

Use this tracker to manage your progress and log your findings every day of the challenge. You might be surprised to discover new things that spark joy.

This self-love tracker will help you explore new habits, uncover old passions, and spend more time doing the things you love.

Day 1: Schedule Playtime

3 suggestions to schedule playtime for day 1 of the self-love challenge

No, we're not talking about playdates with the kids or watching the game with friends -- this challenge is to help you rekindle your creativity.

Think back to a time before you had your kids, your nine-to-five, and your endless list of to-dos. What were you doing for fun? What brought you joy? Or, what have you always wanted to learn or try and just haven't found the time to do?

Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Paint a picture
  • Write a story
  • Begin a DIY project
  • Read a novel
  • Cook or bake a new recipe
  • Go on a hike
  • Go on a run
  • Plant a garden
  • Take a class

Set aside as much time as you need today to complete -- or at least begin -- a new project. Keep in mind you don't need to stop after one day. If you enjoyed this challenge, make it a hobby and dedicate time each week to it.

In your tracker, record the activity and describe how it made you feel. Try not to focus on what used to be, but what could be. If reconnecting with your creative side is a goal for your self-love journey, describe how you wish to accomplish that.

Day 2: Nourish Yourself

3 suggestions to nourish yourself for day 2 of the self love challenge

Healthy food and exercise are essential if you want to live your best life. So why are they typically the first to go when we feel ourselves getting overwhelmed?

Almost every ailment slowing you down can be tied to your diet. Sleep quality, energy levels, hormone levels, immunity levels, body weight composition, and so much more depends on the food you eat.

For this challenge, pick something about your body you'd like to see improve -- this should not be a physical characteristic. For example, If you find yourself constantly needing a midday nap, consider improving your energy levels. Research foods that boost energy and incorporate them into your diet today.

Some healthy foods with added benefits include:

  • Almonds: Significantly reduce cholesterol levels.
  • Lentils: Good source of fiber and potassium.
  • Broccoli: Can provide around 85% of your daily vitamin C value.
  • Apples: Excellent source of antioxidants and can reduce the risk of chronic disease.
  • Blueberries: Contain phytonutrients essential for maintaining viral bodily functions.
  • Fish: High levels of omega-3 fatty acids can help with inflammatory conditions such as arthritis.

List the process of this challenge, the foods you tried, and the recipes you used in your tracker. Ask yourself, "How did I feel after eating these foods? What were the outcomes as opposed to my expectations? How can I continue to prioritize my body and mind?"

Need another reason to fire up the stove? Cooking nutrient-rich meals is just as beneficial for the body as it is for the mind. For many people, cooking is a form of therapy that mimics meditation, improves confidence, and develops focus. If you're new to cooking, don't overwhelm yourself with dishes that require heavy prep and difficult techniques. Learn to master the basics, then challenge yourself at a pace you're comfortable with.

Day 3: Get to Know You

3 journal suggestions for day 3 of the self-love challenge

What do Emma Watson, Leonardo da Vinci, and Beethoven all have in common? Besides being ultra-successful, confident, and well respected, all three kept a journal to record daily thoughts, ideas, and discoveries.

By getting your thoughts down on paper, you're digging deeper into what makes you uniquely you. Self-love journaling helps you explore your inner relationships, address negative feelings of self-worth, and be more compassionate towards yourself. For this challenge, grab a pen and paper (or computer, tablet, and stylus, what have you) and choose a journal prompt to help you start exploring the deepest corners of your mind.

Here are a few prompts to get your juices flowing:

  • What do you love about your personality? List and explain three things.
  • What are five things that make you smile on a daily basis? Why?
  • When was the last time you did something that made you feel amazing/complete/fulfilled? What was it?
  • What are five things that make you unique?
  • What are three thoughts you have about yourself you'd like to change? How?
  • What is one thing you need to stop tolerating? How do you, or would you like, set boundaries?
  • List your coping mechanisms and why they work. Include at least one you'd like to try.
  • Name one challenge you've overcome. How did you do it? What did you learn about yourself?
  • What makes you feel confident?

Your journal entry can span a few sentences to multiple pages, as long as you're satisfied with your answer. In your tracker, note how the journaling process made you feel and whether you'd like to incorporate it into your daily life.

Day 4: Unplug and Unwind

3 suggestions to unplug and unwind for day 4 of the self love challenge

Do you immediately reach for your phone or the remote during your rare bit of free time? You're not the only one. In fact, the average American checks their phone over 344 times per day -- that's once every four minutes!

While digital technology allowed us to stay emotionally connected despite socially distancing these past couple of years, excessive screen time has been associated with a range of negative mental health outcomes. Heavy social media use can be especially damaging and linked to an increased risk of depression, anxiety, and loneliness.

When we unplug, we can stop worrying about others and start worrying about ourselves. Today, set your phone aside for as long as possible and spend that time focusing on your needs.

A few activities you could do in lieu of scrolling through your socials are:

  • Make a cup of herbal tea and read a book
  • Journal
  • Spend time with your family
  • Take a bubble bath
  • Meditate
  • Go on a walk or jog
  • Have dinner with a friend
  • Call your mom (you know you need to)
  • Do some yoga
  • Get a massage
  • Try a new recipe

In your tracker, record how long you were able to spend before checking your phone or turning on the TV today. Was it more difficult or easier than you imagined? Could you do this every day? Would you consider cutting back on your screen time and why? Ask yourself these questions and jot down your answer.

Day 5: Hit "Refresh"

3 suggestions to hit refresh for day 5 of the self love challenge

There's some truth to the saying, "a clean home is a happy home." According to this study, people who characterized their homes as being restorative and restful were not only less stressed than their cluttered counterparts, but reportedly less sad.

Simply seeing clothes scattered across your bedroom or dried spaghetti sauce on the stove can cause your cortisol (stress hormone) levels to spike -- adopting clean habits can save you from experiencing another wave of anxiety in the future.

During the fifth day of the self-love challenge, you're encouraged to release your inner Marie Kondo and organize one area of your home, whether it's a single junk drawer or your entire kitchen. Pick up each individual item and decide whether to keep, trash, or donate. Keep only what you use or enjoy, and place items back into their designated spots.

Some areas that could typically use a little attention include:

  • Pantry
  • Garage
  • Laundry room
  • Refrigerator
  • Bathroom cabinets
  • Desk space
  • Closet

When you're finished, record your accomplishment in your tracker and describe how this new tidy area of your home will improve your day-to-day life. If this challenge inspired you to take on the rest of your home, include a list of spaces to tackle next.

Day 6: Do Something For Others

3 volunteer suggestions for day 6 of the self love challenge

Self-love isn't always a singular concept. Sometimes in order to feel love towards oneself, you need to show love to others. Studies show it's good to be good -- psychologists have found that performing acts of kindness boost happiness and well-being and is even linked to physical health benefits, including lower blood pressure.

For this challenge, schedule time to do something kind for others. This doesn't have to be some grand gesture -- sometimes a simple compliment is all it takes to brighten someone's day.

Here are a few ideas to show kindness:

  • Volunteer at your local soup kitchen.
  • Care for dogs and cats at your local shelter.
  • Bake goods for your friends and neighbors.
  • Visit and volunteer at a senior center.
  • Donate to your favorite nonprofit organization.
  • Give someone an unexpected compliment.
  • Let someone cut in front of you in line.
  • Buy a warm meal for someone in need.
  • Write a thank-you note to your mail carrier.
  • Send a care package to a service member.
  • Leave a positive comment on a blog post or article.
  • Pay for the person behind you in the drive-through.
  • Check on friends and family members.
  • Smile at others.

In your tracker, record what you did for others today. Describe how giving made you feel and how your act of kindness impacted the rest of your day. List a few ways you hope to give back to others in the future.

Day 7: Plan For a Brighter Tomorrow

3 suggestions to plan for a brighter tomorrow for day 7 of the self love challenge

The seventh and final day of this self-love challenge doesn't mark the end of your journey! Reflect on your experiences this past week -- what parts of yourself have you seen an improvement in? What would you like to keep working on? How can self-love play a bigger role in your life?

Take a good look at all the notes you've written in your tracker and identify some self-love activities and habits you'd like to incorporate into your daily routine. Make a list of these and how you plan to make time for yourself in the future. Keep in mind that you don't need to uproot your entire existence to love yourself -- small changes can go a long way when crafting a positive self-image rooted in self-love.

Benefits of a Self-Love Challenge

Learning to love yourself isn't easy. Overcoming your negativity bias -- that inner critic that clings to your shortcomings and past failures -- takes patience and practice.

While eating a healthy meal or soaking in a tub might help our mood in the moment, mastering self-love is an ongoing process that requires resilience and determination. But no matter the workload, the benefits of self-love outweigh the costs.

Jumpstart Your Health Goals

Gone are the days of crash diets and emotional eating. Loving yourself means listening and responding to your needs -- sleep, food, water, and exercise. When you start appreciating all your body does for you, living a healthy lifestyle becomes a natural response to your new-found confidence and decreased stress levels.

When you're feeling more confident, you're also more likely to try new things. Maybe you discover or reignite your love of running, or perhaps you're finally going to give surfing a go. Trusting in your body's ability to perform makes way for new hobbies. And if you find yourself unable to do something, you can use self-love to reframe this obstacle as a challenge to overcome.

Hone Your Coping Skills

People who practice self-love regularly tend to be more in tune with their emotions. By being mindful of how you're feeling, you can teach yourself how to recognize and handle stress triggers.

Self-love does not have the ability to lessen the adversities you may encounter, but it can give you the tools to turn your negative emotions into productive ones. When you feel your inner critic begin to speak up, you have a slew of ways to silence it, whether through meditation, journaling, petting your dog, going on a walk, or reorganizing your spice drawer. Once you've identified your coping skills, self-love gives you the power to act on them.

Build Your Self-Esteem

When you love yourself, you love your opinions, values, morals, and abilities. Self-love can help boost your self-esteem by making you more confident in your abilities to make decisions, set realistic expectations, and form secure, honest relationships. Those with high self-esteem are also able to cope with adversity and manage stress better than those without.

By scheduling regular time to focus on you and your needs above those of others, you're putting your personal development first. This is a self-love technique key to building self-esteem. This may seem selfish at first, but increasing your self-esteem will also help your close relationships.

Self-Love Challenge FAQs

Need a quick breakdown on self-love challenges? Read on for the answers to the most frequently asked questions.

How do you do a self-love challenge?

Self-love looks different for everyone. It could be setting aside quiet time to journal and reflect, spending quality time with loved ones, or reigniting a long-lost passion. A self-love challenge prompts you to try a variety of activities so you can discover what you need to do to love yourself.

When completing a self-love challenge, keep an open mind and be aware of your physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Note what activities made you feel good and the techniques you could use to conquer self-doubt in the future.

What are some self-love techniques?

The ultimate goal of a self-love challenge is to develop self-love techniques. When you continue to practice self-love, these techniques will become instinctive:

  • Be mindful of your well-being.
  • Act on your needs rather than your wants.
  • Practice self-care.
  • Set boundaries and know when to say no.
  • Surround yourself with positive people.
  • Forgive yourself.

Even mastering one of these techniques can have a tremendous influence on your life.

Why is self-love so difficult?

Loving yourself requires you to address what your dislike most about yourself. Maybe that's your body perception or guilt about something that happened in the past -- whatever you're struggling with, it'll be difficult to achieve self-love until you can conquer your insecurities. Despite what you see on social media or television, it's important to remember no one is perfect. Self-love comes from accepting yourself -- the "bad" and the "good."

Your Self-Love Journey Doesn't Have to End on Day 7

Self-love shouldn't just be a challenge to complete -- learning to love and appreciate yourself takes time and requires a consistent, conscious effort.

The Seven Days of Self-Love Challenge was designed to give you a variety of activities to reconnect you with…well, you. But the true benefits of this challenge will take more than a week to hone. If any of these daily challenges resonated with you, don't stop! Find ways to incorporate self-love into your daily routine and start leading a more fulfilled life.

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