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kitchen cabinet design, kitchen cabinets

Real Wood Always Wins When Choosing Cabinets

by Jessica DiSanto
June 16, 2010

Wood Kitchen Cabinets
Wood Kitchen Cabinets

There are a few materials used in the construction of kitchen cabinets. Some manufacturers use particle board, fiber board, or MDG. These materials can produce decent quality cabinets, but why not purchase the best! When you redo your kitchen, you want this to be an investment that will last a long time. Choosing wood will ensure that your new kitchen cabinets will withstand the test of time.

Wood kitchen cabinets are more durable than any other material. These cabinets tend to be stronger, being able to hold much more weight. The wood cabinetry also tends to hold up through humidity and changes in weather.

No matter what you are doing you want to do it the best you can, so make sure you ask what your cabinets are going to be constructed with. Many cabinet manufacturers offer all wood cabinetry, but they may charge for the upgrade in construction. If this is the case, research a company that offers wood construction standard.

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uhhh really?


Really nice post. Theoretically I could write something like this too, but taking the time and effort to make a good article is a lot of effort…but what can I say….I’m a procrastinater. Good read though.